Special Kids

Gaze. Up.



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She sleeps so peacefully in her crib…her body relaxed and still. drinking in the beauty of SLEEP!

Then her brother comes full throttle at her with his aggressive loving hugs, and she smiles and coos and tries to wiggle away.

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The sun shines so gently through the window, turning her hair golden and kissing her gently.



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her gaze to Heaven melts God’s heart…..

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and i wonder if i gaze with such abandonment and trust into His face as well.

The answer is…Not nearly all the time! i get too confused with all the distractions around me, and am ashamed to lift my poor human head to my Creator and Friend…

It’s then that his unconditional Love and Grace reaches out so wholly and covers me. And gives me reason to Hope again. And open my pathetic hand bag of  failures and fears.  insecurities and broken pieces…and let Him give Hope and Joy…..


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(that’s what he longs for us…Joyful  Complete   Trust)


Then I can get back to being a mommy again 🙂

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A preschool Sunday School class sent kierra some money from their offerings. Among other things, we got her some glitter glue sticks and that nice soft blanket in these pictures. Her baby blankets are getting pretty insufficient.

She loved making cards and drawing pictures! her grin was so purely thrilled when i showed her the finished product and told her what a good job she did.

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dare to look into the face of God today…Smile…and feel His love!

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Kid's Fun

February Valentines

Valentines day is one of my favorite days of the year. So favorite, that I celebrate it for weeks 🙂

We received word Friday morning that Courtney Miller (9 yr) had passed away in CO. She and Kierra both were diagnosed with Yoder Dystonia. It was a hard day for me. I can’t imagine how hard it was for Jenny and Erv. Our prayers have been winged their way OFTEN!

Since i couldn’t seem to concentrate on work too well, the kiddos and i baked cookies.

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Kobe ate enough dough for everyone. And Kierra made a special valentine for her Best Daddy!

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Kierra even got flour on her toes 🙂

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Afterward, Kobe sat beside the stove and sang to us.

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he’s such a cheerful little guy. it does my heart good!

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He had to have a bath after the coating of flour and cookie dough.

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Any wonder that I’m nuts about him?:)

The fun thing about two kiddos is  snuggle time watching Old MacDonald.

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And watching them wake up.

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And fall asleep.

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Today, I am thankful for the gift of life God has given us. All we can really do, is seize the moment. Cherish each other. And know that God is there. And There. And THERE. (as i point my finger at each thing that is an issue for me right now.)

He will be there. too. No matter what tomorrow brings.

Happy February! Show your loved ones and your sweet children how special they are.

because this life is only a breath.