Favorite Products

Was I ever Surprised! 

A year ago I would have laughed if you had told me I would be in Nevada with a darling baby today. Totally said “phewy. That’s not gonna happen. ”
A year ago, I was feeling physically well, but achingly purposeless. I was feeling desperate and broken. I wanted a baby, but that wasn’t an option. I wanted to help others and make a difference, but all my leads were falling through. While I enjoyed working at the hospital, I was feeling God nudging me In a different direction and it was feeling very confusing. It was increasingly hard to work in the medical world when memories of Kierra’s hospital stays kept appearing out of no where on my radar. It was hard. Really hard. 
I knew winter was coming way too fast in Montana and I’d have to go back to working night shift MUCH MORE and that alone made me want to hide under the bed. I was desperate for leading and direction and something to plug into. I felt like my whole life was on hold and no one could find the resume button. I really wanted to just fast forward and get some answers. I was searching. Praying. I wasn’t sure what it was for. 
A few months prior, I had started taking these amazing supplements that were making me feel so much more balanced and giving my health back to me. I LOVED them, BUT we were strapped financially and I had tried calling in to the company several times to cancel my membership simply because I didn’t think we could afford it anymore. 
Now this sounds crazy…literally, but I could NEVER actually speak to them. I would be put on hold for so long that I’d have to go do something more important then canceling my membership before getting through to anyone. I look back now, and Thank God! He knew exactly why I wasn’t suppose to cancel that membership. In fact, I think He was up there, smiling at my frustration, wanting to say, “Surprise! Trust me on this one, girl!” 
Last July, we went camping with friends back In The beautiful Little Belt mountains. I sat, weeping, in my friends RV, wondering when life would ever begin to make sense or start falling into place again. “Why don’t you work for this amazing supplement company?” My friend asked me. “ANYONE can do it right from their home, plus, you’re already taking their products.” 
It was that weekend that I saw a glimmer of hope again. I saw the edges of a dream. I felt something click with me and I knew this was something I couldn’t turn my back on. 
I went home and got out my computer and started working from my kitchen table. It scared me silly but I was desperate. My dreams got bigger and I started to see my purpose unfolding. 

I could weep happy tears today …..
Because now I get all my products for free and I feel absolutely amazing. I get to offer hope to other people. I get to watch folks dreams come true. I get to have people tell me how much better they feel and how thankful they are. I get to make new friends and deepen relationships and rejoice  at changed lives. I get to see God being glorified. I get to travel to amazing places and learn how to be a better person and friend. 

I get to dream of staying home this winter with my sweet baby boy that God gifted us with when I thought it would never happen. I get to dream of spending more time with my sweet Kobe and my handsome Steve and helping others who are struggling through the pain of life in honor of my Kierra in Heaven. 
That makes me so excited I could weep. 
I’m so thankful I took a chance on something that took me out of my comfort zone. Something that was so much bigger then me. Something that is real and genuine. Something that honors God. It’s why I’m passionate about my business. Its why I am in awe of today. It’s why I want to tell you, my friend, to hang on. Dream big. Keep Believing. Because when you truly believe, nothing can stop you! You’ve got what it takes! 

Dream big! Reach high! Don’t be afraid to spread your wings and fly! 

Favorite Products · Special Kids

The BEST Hair Detangler, Crib and Harp Music

You know how you search and search for the perfect hair care product and nothing seems to live up to it’s promises… Well, I have poured over hair detangler bottles at intervals for months. In stores, and the internet. Not to mention getting advice from a hair stylist, a nurse, and Mommy friends. Some of the products worked (kinda) but nothing was the ‘miracle cure’ like I was hoping. This tangled mess to deal with every morning, soon becomes one of the worst parts of the day.

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She couldn’t hold still long enough for a very clear picture, but I think you get the idea. I have tried trimming them, washing them every day, putting them up in a bobby tail at night, pony tail or braiding them…We just can’t quite seem to be able to find a way to tame those frizzes with Kierra’s signature moves.  1. rythmic head movement 2. either sitting or laying most of the day  AND 3. sweating  on the back of her head.

Then I was introduced to this. December 2013 074

I had my doubts. It isn’t just the cheapest product either. 2.26 fl. oz. for around $15.00 at the local stores. It was worth a shot, and a nursing friend told me it works wonders. Believe me. It DOES!! It took a few treatments, but now Kierra’s hair are much more manageable. I love it because you can use it on wet or dry hair, and it doesn’t cause breakage or hair loss like some other products I have tried.  December 2013 077

Isn’t that amazing? And no, I did NOT wash her hair 🙂 You only need a bit on your finger tips to work into the hair. After a few days of applying this stuff, the hair turns much more polished and silkier. Tangles slide out. December 2013 022 I’ll take fly away hair any day over knotted tangles! 🙂 Several people have asked me where they can purchase this so I have included a link to Amazon which is the cheapest place i have found to get it. Biosilk Silk Therapy Serum

Now here’s one more little (or BIG) ‘miracle’. We got a new crib for Kierra. Her regular crib was not working. She would get tangled in the slats or bang herself black and blue on the side rails even if we tried to keep it padded. I wasn’t sure about getting a ‘handicapped bed’ for my sweet little three year old. Especially if it LOOKED like a hospital bed. Finally, we were desperate enough that we just needed something..ugly or not… that would help her sleep more comfortably. What she really needed was an adjustable mattress since she needs to be elevated when she sleeps and she is most comfy with a roll beneath her knees as well. We would adjust her countless times at night trying to get her comfortable. Our nursing agency helped us out tremendously with this crib issue and here’s what came in our door..Christmas decor 026 It’s big and she looks like a little peanut in it 🙂 But that’s just great. Because now i can crawl in beside her and there’s plenty of room for growing and pillows and teddys and brothers 🙂

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She LOVES it! And that makes everyone happy! And guess what? It’s not ugly 🙂 The Seating and Mobility Company that makes them  does a great job at creating a lovely piece of furniture. We could even chose the color and the wood! It is also padded and the whole bed raises and lowers, the head and feet are adjustable, and the mattress is a great quality. What more could you ask for in  a deluxe bed for a pretty little Sleeping Beauty ?:)

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I just have to tell you about One more thing she loves…Harp Music. I nearly cried when kind friends loaned us a harp. I had been dreaming and longing to try playing a harp for her, since she loves classical music. I didn’t really know if it would ever happen and was too preoccupied to pursue it. Then a friend arranged it all for me and another friend loaned the harp. I wish they could see how much Kierra likes it! (even with my inexperienced fingers:)

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It put her to sleep 🙂 I am so excited about this!!!!

It’s the little things in life we ‘chance upon’ that help calm Kierra that makes this whole journey so adventurous. Yep, I’ve got the moments I’m ready to pull hair and crawl under the bed and refuse to come out . (like when i was 3yr. old and a day at the zoo was canceled) 🙂  But then she smiles and Kobe laughs and Steve comes home, and God is good, and friends are kind. And life will be OK!December 2013 033#2.jpg (by the way, Kobe insisted on wearing Kierra’s pjs 🙂 and in case you are interested in Kierra’s ‘language…this ‘snuggly face’ is how she gives kisses and ‘love yous’ 🙂

Thankyou all for your prayers for Kierra. She is losing fluid from her body, which is great, but she also is running a fever and has major bowel issues the last few days, so we are hoping she isn’t dehydrated and that things will clear up soon. Hopefully, if she is feeling well enough on Christmas day, we can drive down to Maryland and be with my family!

Praise God for His gift…Immanuel… God with us! Isn’t that the greatest gift EVER!